If you are already confident in using Universal Analytics (I mean configuring it, not just looking at the reports) and are conversant with terms such as “properties, goals, events, conversions, audiences”, are comfortable adding code to your website/apps and you are willing to invest the time to learn GA4 and Tag Manager, you can probably pull this off. There are a number of resources and tutorials available on-line and  Google has a basic migration guide.

That said, GA4 is a much more flexible and complex tool than UA and if it is not setup correctly, you’ll probably run into issues of missing data, faulty event tracking and inaccurate reporting.

My recommendation is:

  • If you:
    • have a very basic site (not e-commerce/bookings) or
    • have never done any customisation to views/added goals or
    • don’t do any SEO or
    • have no real need for the data that Analytics provides

– then let the Google Auto Migration happen and you’ll be fine.

  • If you:
    • have a e-commerce/booking site or
    • need analytics data to make business and marketing decisions or
    • are actively engaged in SEO or
    • are actively engaged in email marketing or
    • run paid ads

  – leave it to the professionals. That way you can have confidence in the data.